Chess Game (Flutter Code)

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This Chess game in Flutter makes use of several variables and methods to create the game.

  • The board is a 2-dimensional list representing the chess board, each cell possibly containing a ChessPiece.

  • A ChessPiece has a type (pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, king), a Boolean to define its color (white or black), and an image path.

  • The game starts by initializing the board in the _initializeBoard method, setting all pieces to their respective initial positions. When a piece is selected through the pieceSelected method, it's verified if the move is valid, and then the piece's valid moves are calculated.
  • The selectedPiece variable stores the piece selected by the user on the board, while selectedRow and selectedCol store its location. validMoves keeps track of possible moves for the selected piece.
  • There are also two lists for each player's captured pieces (whitePiecesTaken and blackPiecesTaken), and a checkStatus Boolean to check if a king is in check.
  • The calculateRawValidMoves method provides all potential moves for a piece. The calculateValidMoves method then refines these, removing any that would put the player's own king in check.

In summary, the game logic is organized around a user selecting a piece and making a move, and the game verifies if the move is valid according to chess rules.

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Chess Game (Flutter Code)

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